Saturday, January 24, 2009

History of Violence

From Christine's Mom:

"This was interesting listening on my way to work this morning. Interesting time - I don't believe I have ever heard anything on the radio or tv about Laredo/Nuevo Laredo. I think I would rather have not known about the violence down there!"

From Christine:
Go read through this story. It speaks to the history of violence of Nuevo Laredo, which has been caused primarily by drug cartels. They say that conditions are getting better, but that five years ago, the gangs were in control of most things because of the threat they posed. If something didn't go the way they wanted (new chief of police, news coverage, etc.), they killed to solve the problem. This lead to a great decline in tourism. However, the war has slowed down/shifted to Juarez in recent years. In addition, a new mayor has made an effort to turn things around, through building public centers. He is most proud of his Estacion Palabra, which is an old train station turned literature center, that has had many visitors since it opened. In his mind, things are looking up.

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